An analysis of China’s unprecedented attack on India

Abstract: On December 9th 2022, China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) soldiers tried to cross the Indian Border which resulted in the Indians and the Chinese forces clashing near in the Yangtse area of Tawang sector in Arunachal Pradesh. According to news reports, the Chinese soldiers wanted to uproot an Indian Post in the area of Tawang and contacted the Line of Actual Control in the Tawang center; however the attempt was successfully thwarted by the Indians who confronted the Chinese PLA soldiers.
In light of this particular event, in my paper, I will be analyzing the relationship between India and China. I will be delving into the historical events that framed the present relationship between the two neighboring countries and brought them to this particular event of December 9. In addition to that, my paper would be bringing in socio- economic aspects that influenced these events as well as the ones that are influenced by these events.
It is hard to imagine, given current geopolitical relations, that India and China at one point when India and China coexisted peacefully and had harmonious relations. India had gained her independence in 1947 while the Chinese Communist Party came to power in 1949. Both countries being fairly nascent, supported each other, even to the extent that the Indian National Congress has expressed its complete support to the National Liberation Movement in China. India and China signed the Panch Sheel in 1954 which laid down the foundations to their peaceful coexistence, however, despite that, Indo-China relations began deteriorating at the speed of light. It began with minor armed clashes between the two, which evolved into a war post October 1962 when a full scale war broke out over the issue of the international border claims. There were agreements signed in September 1993 to resolve these border disputes despite China’s indignant and illegal occupancy of Indian territories in Eastern Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh kept the issue from being subsided, in fact, if anything, it became more prominent.
The border tensions between India and China have been consistent for quite a while now. It is littered with periodic flare ups and subsequent diplomatic attempts to maintain stability. The Chinese “Gray Zone Operations” (Singh) had primarily been the major contributing reason behind the constant conflicts and tensions between India and China that even border talks and diplomatic attempts have failed to fix.
In my paper, I will be focusing on the events of December 9th, 2022 where the China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) soldiers tried to cross the Indian Border which resulted in the Indians and the Chinese forces clashing near in the Yangtse area of Tawang sector in Arunachal Pradesh. This was quite significant even given that the Chinese forces had attempted to yet again, illegally enter into Indian territory. My paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the events that lead up to this moment of confrontation as well as the possible implications associated with such a blatant act of violence from the Chinese forces.
Historical Roots
The Indo-China border issues draw inspiration from their historical events, geographical proximity as well as certain political factors. It took mere 5 years for the friendly relations between India and China to become plagued by an environment of war. In the later half of the 90s, the newly independent India and the nascent Communist China were two of the largest third world countries. Both countries, while having a fledgling government as a common factor, had “radically different positions” ( Luthi 96) as far as international affairs are concerned. Specifically when it came to Tiber as a territory and with which country it should belong- given its political ties to China and cultural ones to India. Nevertheless, the “Agreement Between India and China on Trade and Intercourse Between Tibet Region of China and India” was signed. It sanctioned China’s control over Tibet and the withdrawal of Indian troops from the region. However, the two failed to come to a clear understanding of the “precise demarcation of the Tibetan-Indian border” ( Luthi 97) In addition to that, India and China also signed the Panch Sheel for “peaceful coexistence” ( Luthi 97). Now, the Communist government of China had made promises to “liberate” ( Luthi 97) Tibet and to establish force. China kept its words, to a certain extent, and offered “negotiations” ( Luthi 97). China made Tibet sign the 17 point Agreement on May 23, 1951, by pressuring them, thereby establishing Chinese sovereignty over Tibet. However, the agreement happened to be “internally contradictory” ( Luthi 97) and therefore left Tibet in a state of tredepition. Nehru distanced himself from the situation by merely “sympathizing” ( Luthi 98) with Tibet’s plight, however politically, given China’s “false hopes” ( Luthi 98) and “overlordship” ( Luthi98) over Tibet, given rising political complexities. In addition to that, to add to Nehru’s anxiety, there was always a possibility of a revolt from the “Tibetan Ruling Classes” ( Luthi98) which would worsen the situation , thereby threatening Chinese “autonomy” ( Luthi98) and/or sovereignty over Tibet. Besides, the “possibility that a mixture of historical precedent and ideological fervor could develop in China” ( Luthi 98) which could possibly threaten the peaceful coexistence between the neighbors. This became the beginning of the destruction of peace between India and China.
In 1959, there was a military conflict, with regard to Tibet, and both sides sent troops to the non- demarcated border. And the chances of clashes between the two countries increased. To make matters worse, India and China share a geographical border with differing perceptions of the “ill-defined” (BBC 2022) 3440 kms- long disputed border- Line of Actual Control (LAC). Inevitably, this leads to various continuous confrontations and military acts of violence and armed conflicts which contribute to lessening the chances of peace between the two countries. The two countries are aiming at building infrastructures along the border and India constructing a new road to a High altitude air base is interpreted as a threat to China and led to a series of deadly conflicts between the two, which even military talks cannot solve.
While the two countries have only fought one war in 1962, the tensions between the two countries remain. And given that both countries have established nuclear powers, the consequences could be catastrophic. This would also lead to an “economic fallout” (BBC 2022) given that China remains one of India’s biggest trading powers.
Present Times
In December 2022, the tensions were already at a boiling point between India and China owing to obvious border conflicts and territory conflicts. The Tawang sector, in the NorthEastern state of Arunachal Pradesh, had been one of the areas that has had continuous conflicts between the two countries given its geographical and historical significance- it is home to the Tawang Monastery which holds cultural and religious importance for the local Monpa Community and it is claimed by China. The Tawang region is the birthplace of the sixth Dalai Lama (Singh). In fact, Dai Bingguo, a Chinese diplomat, argues that “Tawang is inalienable from China’s Tibet. Even the British Colonialists…respected China’s jurisdiction over Tawang.” (Singh).
Several reasons contributed to the above events. First and foremost, both India and China seem to assert their sovereignty over the Tawang Sector which inevitably leads to conflicts owing to the overlapping territorial claims. In addition to that, the Tawang sector is also of significance given its strategic importance to both countries given its proximity to the border and the major role it plays in influencing regional dynamics. This means that whichever country gets to control this territory has excessive military advantages which would enhance each country’s regional influence. Furthermore, the ideas of nationalism also play a significant role in influencing a country’s foreign policy, which, more often than not, are dominated by domestic pressures such as Public sentiments, historical narratives as well as domestic politics all of which exacerbate the situation and result in more of a likelihood of confrontations. In addition to all of that, it is conditional that border areas are characterized by a lack of communication and understanding between opposing forces. Long before the present conundrum between India and China, the Sino- Indian relations had been deteriorating due to a lack of communication between the two. The most fundamental misinterpretation between India and China was due to a lack of communication which led to a situation of mistrust between the two countries. The inability of each to perceive the other’s international ambitions, brought about the idea of security dilemmas between the two which yielded the fear that their foreign policies were targeted against each other. This limited communication also contributed to the differing interpretations of action that can convert the minuitest of instances to major clashes and even wars.
According to several news reports, on December 9th, 2022, the Chinese PlA soldiers attempted to cross the Indian Border. Their objective was to uproot an Indian Post in the region. The Indian forces in the region intercepted the Chinese soldiers and thwarted their attempt to carry out their actions. This confrontation escalated to a physical clash between the two sides, which resulted in tense moments. There were several injuries on both sides, however no death has been announced. It may have been due to India’s prompt actions that prevented much injury. The Indian military responded swiftly to the Chinese incursion attempt, which, to be honest, speaks volumes about the Indian ability to protect and preserve her own territories. In addition to that it also reinforced India’s determination to uphold its sovereignty and protect her borders. New Delhi blamed Beijing for attempting to “unilaterally change the status quo” (Singh ) while on the other hand the PLA remained rigid on establishing that it was “conducting a regular patrol when its troops were blocked by the Indian Army illegally crossing the border” (Singh).
To be honest, the incident on December 9th is not a one time occurance. Several news reports suggest that the Arunachal Border has been a sight and source of constant conflict between the two neighboring countries, much more than the tensions at Ladakh.
Global Implications
It goes without saying that any kind of military conflicts between two major Asian Powers can destabilize the region and impact not just the countries involved but also their neighboring areas. The tense situation between India and China could have many possible ripple effects on regional stability. In addition to that, it not only does not help maintain peace between the two parties involved, but it makes it worse. Situations like this could possibly influence the geopolitical dynamics of Asia by large. This forces other countries to aim at strategic partnerships as well as shift or create new alliances. Border incidents also strain diplomatic ties and can lead to a complete breakdown of communication channels. Diplomatic efforts are essential to maintain peace and stability as well as economy, to a certain extent, between two countries. However, with the lack of communication channels, the situation is worse for wear. Given both India and China’s significant position in the global economy, escalating tensions could impact the economic and trade relations whose impact will not just be restricted to the two warring countries but also the global market at large.
The events of December 2022 clash in the Yangtze area of the Tawang sector serves as a reminder of the enduring tensions between India and China over the border demarcations and territorial claims. The incident also highlights the importance of robust diplomacy, clear communication and a proper commitment to peaceful resolutions of disputes. As both countries continue to navigate their complex relationships, efforts should be made to prevent further confrontations and find out what remains mutually acceptable to remain a paramount of regional stability as well as global peace.
India and China are two major superpowers as well as two of the fastest growing economies in the world. They share a rich historical tie with each other and have seen rapid reform and growth, practically at the same time. In addition to that, they also share many common interests and positions in global issues- agriculture, pharmaceuticals, IT service, enterprises as well as tourism. Yes, their path has strayed and it’s no secret to the present world situation that there are constant conflicts and disputes between the two. However, I believe that through diplomatic talks which highlight the similar interests and the rich cultural and religious history that the two countries share could lead to peaceful circumstances and harmony between the two countries. Not to forget the economic and trade benefits that the two share. In fact, as far as the trading relations are concerned, there is a harmonious condition between the two states. So if two major Asian Powers can agree on trade benefits and set up harmonious trade relations, it may be possible for India and China to come to a peaceful settlement as far as their border disputes are concerned as well.
Both the regions should have a better understanding of each other’s regional initiatives through open dialogues. This would also be an important stepping stone to building trust between the two nations.
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