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Analysing the Impact of Technological Advancements in Border Security and Management at the India-Pakistan Border

hovering threat

This research paper examines the impact of technological advancements on border security and management at the India-Pakistan border, considering the historical context, current challenges, and potential future implications.

The India-Pakistan border is one of the most heavily guarded and disputed borders in the world, characterized by political tensions, cross-border conflicts, and the presence of various security threats. Technological advancements have played a crucial role in transforming border security and management practices to effectively address emerging challenges. This paper investigates deploying and utilizing advanced technologies such as surveillance systems, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), biometric identification systems, etc at the India- Pakistan border.

The paper explores the benefits and limitations of these technologies and their implications for privacy, human rights, and diplomatic relations between India and Pakistan. It shall delve into the future of border security that is technologically driven and strategies that ultimately work towards improved border stability and regional peace.

India- Pakistan Border: A Historical Perspective

India shares a border of 3,323 km running along Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir, and the Union Territory of Ladakh.1 The border was created in 1947 when the British Indian Empire was partitioned into two independent dominions,

India and Pakistan. The border was drawn by a British lawyer, Sir Cyril Radcliffe, who was given just five weeks to complete the task. The Radcliffe Line, as it came to be known, was a controversial decision and has been the source of conflict between India and Pakistan ever since. The nuclear powers have engaged in outright wars while border disputes are a continuous issue. A major war post-Independence occurred in 1965, sparked by territorial disputes and tensions. The conflict ended in a ceasefire but the Kashmir issue remained unresolved. In 1971, a brutal civil war in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) led to India’s

intervention, aiding Bangladeshi independence, and culminating in a swift war between India and Pakistan. The outcome was the creation of Bangladesh and further territorial changes.

The Kargil War in 1999 was another significant attack, where both countries clashed in the heights of the Himalayas. In 2001, there was an attack on the Indian parliament by Pakistani- backed Kashmiri militants. In 2007, when the nations were trying to heal the wounds of the past by allowing access for families separated during partition through the Samjhauta

Express. But there was a bomb blast in two coaches of the train that took lives of around 67

1(“Border Management-I Division | Ministry of Home Affairs”)

people. In 2008, the gruesome Mumbai Terror attacks happened, and in 2019 Jaish-e- Mohammed terrorist group took responsibility for the horrible Phulwama attack.

The two nations continue to endure hostility and deeply rooted issues. While diplomatic efforts have been made in the past and shall be continued in the future, the border tensions continue to be a perpetual quandary.

Technology in Defence

The first time India witnessed a significant technology-based terrorist assault was on 26th November 2008 when the terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) attacked the city of Mumbai under a 4-day siege of coordinated terrorist attacks. A watershed moment in the history of

terrorism in India revealed that technology was advancing rapidly and a boon in many ways was a bane too. Global Positioning System (GPS), satellite imagery (google earth), and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone services were used to study the target points, navigate the routes and keep in contact without being traced, during the 2008 assault.2 The tragic event was a reminder that counterterrorism strategies needed to be reevaluated and upgraded. The world has progressed extensively and 15 years later these technologies are an intrinsic part of the everyday lives of a common man. However, as new technology emerges, new threats arise, and while the enemy tries to be one step ahead, the security forces make sure that they are ten steps ahead.

UAVs: A hovering threat

A huge threat to security forces is through Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) that support all types of illegal activities including criminal networks, drug smuggling syndicates, and

terrorist organizations. India’s Western border is especially impacted extensively by the growing threat. “To counter this threat, security and law enforcement agencies have taken several actions, including intensifying training programs, deploying counter-drone measures, and upgrading technical capabilities.”3 But co-ordinating and sharing information to ensure counter-intelligence acts effectively is paramount. This means, an adaptation of newer

methods and engagement with modern technology. More financial assistance ought to be made on the administrative side, to ensure the required technology is available for effective counter actions to be taken.

Before the UAVs and advanced technology, infiltration across borders was human-dependent. Here environment, geographical constraints, weather conditions, camouflaging capabilities, and other factors were great risks to infiltrators. However, with the advent of UAVs, most of

these predicaments are no longer a huge impediment thereby increasing the damage and increasing the need for more efficient damage control.

Drones are efficient and difficult to intercept because they can be flown at high altitudes and at slower speeds too. The human operatives can be at a safe distance and carry out their

activities without being caught. They are reliable tools to carry narcotics, explosives, and other weapons. The Narcotics Control Bureau of India has claimed that drug trafficking is deploying advanced technology strategies to challenge drug control enforcement worldwide.

hovering threat

“Some of these challenges are the use of darknet to sell drugs, use of untraceable internet- based technology for drug-related communications, use of drones to transport drugs from across the border, etc.” In June 2021 India witnessed a significant drone attack at the Air Force station in Jammu & Kashmir. The Airbase that was 14km away from the India-Pakistan border was attacked by low-flying drones that dropped two Improvised explosive devices

(IEDs). The incident reminded everyone how increasingly dangerous technological advancement had come to be. The use of drones is a global concern and significantly raises the threat in conflict-affected areas. It has been observed in the Western Libyan military conflict of 2019–20, the Armenia–Azerbaijan conflict over the Nagorno–Karabakh region in 2020, and the ongoing Russia–Ukraine conflict.4

Sourced from Carnegie India, this graph depicts how drone sightings have increased over the years in India. Punjab has been majorly affected and the threat has increased in the state,

largely in the span of a year.

Figure 1: Source: Rajnish Singh, “Drone Sighting Along Border with Pak Tripled in One Year; 311 Observations in 2022,” ANI, December 26, 2022,

https://www.aninews.in/news/national/general-news/drone-sighting-along-border-with-pak- tripled-in-one-year-311-observat

Recently, the ‘reverse drone’ strategy has turned up to be another concerning factor. Here, drones are able to re-trace their pathway. Senior officials from the forces stated “smugglers would dispatch a drone from India to Pakistan, where it is loaded with drugs and weapons

and called back to India” 5 A forensic analysis of the same, has revealed that these drones ‘trace their flight path with time stamps, originating and landing points with exact GPS coordinates.’ As technology advances, it is important to keep up with these advancements in order to form effective counter strategies.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence makes possible speech recognition, decision-making, and language

translation. This technology is rapidly being adapted to enhance decision-making, churn out quick data and analyse data within seconds. AI can also be used to study data patterns accumulated from satellites. Its efficient, lightning fast, and dangerous. Information in the right hands can do wonders, but in the wrong ones, can cause great harm. But this phenomenon cannot be controlled in the day and age of unlimited information sources and high-tech. It can only be countered with better technology.

Information Warfare

Social Media and digital media platforms are used extensively to bring about chaos, especially on the borders. It is an intelligently strategized manner of influencing public opinion, social norms, and political discourses. Manipulating social media algorithms,

spreading misinformation, collecting data of communities, and manipulating and spreading false information are all forms of IW. Fake News can lead to dangerous consequences. China has been notorious worldwide for its fabrication and manipulation of information. Pakistan follows behind and has spread misinformation “via IT cells, bots, verified Pakistan-based handles, and troll accounts on social media platforms. Pakistani propaganda campaigns have focused on India-Pakistan military crises, alleged mistreatment of the Muslim community in India, and the Kashmir issue.”6

Facial Recognition & Biometric Entry System

These technologies offer the advantages of quick and accurate identity verification, potentially reducing human error and expediting border crossings. Despite these advantages, there are notable threats associated with the use of facial recognition and biometrics. One concern is the potential for false positives or false negatives, leading to mistaken identity or unauthorized entry. Additionally, the technology’s effectiveness can be compromised by

factors like poor lighting conditions, disguises, or altered appearances. Terrorist activities and smuggling operations can exploit these vulnerabilities by using fake identities or

manipulating their features. Terrorist groups and smugglers may employ countermeasures such as wearing masks, using prosthetics, or altering their appearances to evade detection. Furthermore, if the technology is not adequately updated or maintained, it can become outdated and susceptible to hacking, undermining its security.

Countering These Technologies

Anti-drone strategies are being exercised and should be strengthened for countering these drone attacks. This also means efficient detecting and shooting down of drones where AI can play a great role.

Countermeasures for Information Warfare require deep research, analysis, and evidence- based counterinformation. It is vital for the IT cell to be well-equipped and vigilant constantly regarding the information making rounds on social media, effective fact-checking, and tracking them to their sources. The Border Security Force (BSF) issued social media user guidelines for its personnel in 2020, for ensuring that they do not give away information or get honey-trapped by strangers who are spies from across borders. One of the many

instructions given includes that “a picture clicked by Border Security Force personnel and posted on a social media platform remains there for always. Therefore, one should use officially approved pictures of any incident or untoward incidents related to the BSF.” 7

A robust and well-implemented facial recognition and biometric system can significantly enhance border security by accurately identifying individuals, detecting suspicious patterns, and aiding law enforcement in tracking potential threats. Regular system updates, training for personnel, and integration with other intelligence sources can contribute to a more effective defense against illegal activities and potential security breaches.

“The Military AI Project Agency (DAIPA), which has a $13.2 million ($13.2 million) annual budget, was also established by India. 30 AI projects are apparently in the works for the Indian Navy, with an emphasis on enhanced decision-making, autonomous systems, border security, and maritime domain awareness. The creation of autonomous systems, such as ground vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), is one of India’s primary research

topics for AI in the military. India has been working on a variety of drones for military uses, such as combat, surveillance, and reconnaissance.”8

Future of Border Security for Border Stability and Regional Peace

Technology is advancing rapidly and the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a game changer. This requires the Border Security Forces to be equipped adeptly to counter the smuggling and terrorist activities that increase internal and external threats within the nation.

The geographical terrain and environments are no longer the only impediments in guarding the borders, but also what advanced technologies do the notorious militant and terrorist

groups get their hands on. The BSF personnel also need to be trained sufficiently to deal with these security threats. Cyber counter-terrorism is vital and that means, having more experts and trained individuals within the forces because the war is no longer limited to the physical borders. Now, Virtual borders shall also have to be protected.

After the abrogation of Article 370 and the continuous attacks on the borders, it is hard to foresee absolute stability and peace in the region. Criminal networks are only increasing and according to data, drug smuggling activities have increased manifold times, in the last few years, especially affecting the state of Punjab.

But this same technology can be used to bring about stability and better the situation. People living in rural areas of the borders need to be trained and equipped with basic literacy in

technology. The government’s programs – ’Satyamav Jayate’, Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan, and National Digital Literacy Mission are important steps in that

direction. Equipping locals with knowledge is key to ensuring the spread of the right

information. It is also vital to propagate fact-based information and help them realize the differentiation between fake and real news, so that they are not easily influenced by propaganda. These advanced technologies can also be used to connect in enhancing cultural ties between the nations. While the situation is extremely tense when it comes to Indo-Pak

bilateral relations, there is always scope for peace and ultimately, that is what each individual is striving towards.

War can have one side win over another, but the losses occurred on both sides will always outweigh the win.

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