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Category: Border Security

Locking horns at the border Smugglers and security agencies face-off on the India-Bangladesh borders over illegal cattle trade

Locking horns at the border Smugglers and security agencies face-off on the India-Bangladesh borders over illegal cattle trade

On July 6, the Border Security Force (BSF) informed about the surge in cattle smuggling to Bangladesh due to the forthcoming Eid-ul Azha or the Qurbani Eid on July 31. The press release elaborated on the various techniques adopted by the smugglers for transporting the cattle. It also detailed the various cruelties inflicted by smugglers on the animals and warned that the consumption of such meat might be injurious to human health. Further, it flagged concerns about unemployed poor youths being lured into this network for meagre amounts of money. These youth face all the risk while kingpins of the racket earn billions of rupees while sitting in their safe havens.

India should be proactive in Afghanistan

India should be proactive in Afghanistan Borderman Banner

India must play a proactive role in promoting the Afghan peace process and help protect the Afghan constitutional order which has come into being after so many sacrifices in Afghan blood and treasure. Since a long and difficult path lies ahead to secure a negotiated end to the Afghan conflict, Rudrendra Tandon, India’s new ambassador to Afghanistan, must offer fresh ideas to India’s friends in Kabul so that they can unwaveringly promote an inclusive Afghan-led and Afghan owned peace process.

Need for paradigm shift in operational and tactical domains in border security

Need for paradigm shift in operational and tactical domains in border security

India has an international land border with Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Bhutan. The land border also includes the de-facto border with Pakistan and China described as Line of control and Line of actual control respectively. The total length of the land border is 15,106.7 Km. ….

Proactively guarding the borders

Proactively guarding the borders

In order to outmanoeuvre the adversaries, India’s border guarding forces must focus on evolving their tactics from largely manpower-intensive border guarding system to technology-based proactive surveillance system.

The preoccupation of the Nation with happenings in Eastern Ladakh has caused the strategic…

Vortex and dilemma of Line of Control (LoC) and Line of Actual Control (LAC)

Vortex and dilemma of Line of Control (LoC) and Line of Actual Control (LAC)

LoC and LAC are different boundaries but what joins them is their disputed nature and China-Pakistan nexus. The government must be prepared for two front war to defend India’s interests on both LOC and LAC

Territorial disputes exist all over the world because of undefined or improperly defined frontiers.

The ‘new normal’: border security is national security

The ‘new normal’: border security is national security

American President Donald Trump’s speech in a roundtable at Yuma Border Patrol Station on 22 June in Arizona is important from the border security point of view. It must be noted that the Trump administration has been proactive for quite some time in pumping in vast resources in securing America’s southern border with Mexico. During […]

Combined threat, different response

Combined threat, different response

The nexus between Pakistan and China makes India’s border security challenges very complex; India’s response must address these complexities The unpardonable loss of 20 Indian soldiers has shocked the entire nation. Despite the Galwan setback, India should not lose sight of the strategic challenges that lie…

Applying basic border security concepts

Applying basic border security concepts

Time to address basic issues pertaining to border guarding forces on doctrine, deployment, and domination The highly condemnable and provocative Chinese incursions and subsequent killing of twenty brave hearts have exposed the chinks and weaknesses in border security not only in Galwan but also all along…

Avoid hysteria, act cautiously

Avoid hysteria, act cautiously

The situation on the India-China border is very tense as the Galwan valley seems to have penetrated deep into India’s collective national consciousness. The clashes leading up to the Galwan tragedy have shattered the myth of ‘personal chemistry’ between the top leaders as the Chinese are rightly viewed…

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