Webinar on India’s Eastern Border

Webinar on India’s Eastern Border – 28th July 2023
Things learned:-
1. There is quite a bit of miscommunication when it comes to the Indo China border, especially regarding when and where the border is and who occupies which territory. This could be the primary reason behind the Sino-China border.
2. The Eastern border of India is a very porous border the openness of this b9rder has caused a lot of issues as far as disputes are concerned.
3. India’s eastern border especially near the northeastern states have a lot of disputes which could be solved through special military forces such as the AFSPA.
4. Despite pouring crores of rupees, the border at West bengal is still worse off as compared to say the northeastern border, which requires relatively less security personnel.
5. The indian border is open near the brahmaputra and thus is prone to attacks, illegal migration as well as criminal activities.
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