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Guidelines for Paper Publication

The following are the guidelines applicable to contributors: –

  1. The cover page should include Title, Abstract, Keywords, Author (s) and Affiliation(s) Official Address (es) as well as Residential Address (es) with Pin Code (s) Email Address (es). Please indicate the corresponding author. The abstract not exceeding 200 words along with 5 Keywords, citing the purpose, scope and conclusion of the submission.
  2. Articles should not be more than 2,500-5,000 words including notes, references & tables.
  3. Text should be 1.5 spaced typed in MS-word on A-4 size paper leaving one inch margins all around. The text must be typed in font size 12 and font type “Times New Roman”.
  4. The Main text should not contain name of the author. The manuscript should not contain footnotes.
  5. References should be given at the end of the manuscript.
  6. Authors are requested to include only a list of cited References and not a Bibliography.
  7. Reference to a citation in the text should be made by means of the author’s name followed by the year of publication in parenthesis.
  8. The references must follow the style guide of the American Psychological Association (APA)(www.apastyle.org).
  9. Page numbers, names of publishers and place of publishing are very important and should not be left out of book references
  10. Tables: tables (each on a separate sheet) should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and should be referred to in the text as Table1, Table 2 etc. Tables should not duplicate results in Graphs.
  11. Graphs: With minimum descriptive text and Graph axes should be labeled with variable written out in full, along the length of the axed, with the unit in parenthesis.
  12. All submissions for publication are referred on the ‘double blind’ system by at least two professionals.
  13. Articles must be original ad hitherto unpublished.
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